
its HARD!! losing weight that is

Hi!  I wanted to take a moment and vent about this losing weight thing.  IT IS SO HARD.  Not because i don't want to do it or anything but keeping up the gung-ho attitude is tough!  I am on week one of this thang and wow I have to say, already I am wanting to eat the sugar.

After researching some, if you cut out sugar you most certainly will go through withdrawal! Whodathunk it right?  Along with the tapering out caffiene I have to slowly let go of my sugar addiction.  The problem comes in that I eat a lot of carbohydrates which is also known as saccharides aka sugar (or starches).

We need carbs as they are a key form of energy.  Things like the Atkins diet that was popular a while ago (not sure if it still is) are not healthy long term.  Its true you can lose weight on these types of diets but not more than with a higher carb diet.  We are obese as a society not because of high carbs but because we are high on calories.  Not eating carbs is out of the question but reducing what I do eat will help!!

My current lesson to learn is portion sizes.  What is good?   This is a lesson I really need to learn, a great website is
portion size plate-webmd
it has visuals to look at and find out what is the right size for you.  The plate is not going to look full, so eat on a smaller plate and load it up!  You want to eat no less than 1,200 calories a day. If you go below that your body goes into starvation mode and starts to store the fat. Don't want that!  Smaller meals throughout the day will help with the big hunger later too.

It is SO hard to do that though! The counting every little thing when you just want to run and grab something quick!  Make a sandwhich for pete's sake without having to add up calories or eat a freaking donut without guilt.  This is where I start to fade into the void of 'I don't care about diet anymore.'
 I can't do that though!!
This is my life, my body that I need to take care of.  If I don't do it who will?  NO ONE!  If I just keep getting bigger and bigger who is it going to affect the most??  ME.  I am not going to give up just because I want a flipping donut.  If I am hungry I will eat a piece of fruit or veggies.  I want to go clothes shopping and not have to worry about the size, not to mention bigger girl fashions are uuuugly.  Not all are ugly but the cheap ones are!!  I don't want to wear a freaking sweatshirt with a bird or flower on it okay??  Can't I just have a plain ol' white tee-shirt??  ANYWAY, I want to go to a store, look in the regular size section and find something cute, and not baggy.  I am big into baggy right now.
 SO that is what I want, that is why I will not give into the donut and why I will count calories and read my nutrition book and learn about how to do this the right way. This is not a fad diet to get skinny in 6 months then gain it all back. This is real, this is what I am doing and will continue to do. 

If that means cutting back sugar, caffiene, and eating some damn veggies. THAT is what I will do.  I am done being the fat girl!!  I am Jaime and I will be healthy!!!

so there.....rant done. :) Phew feel better!! 
AND this is what I had for lunch...
BOOM Panera bread strawberry/chicken salad, half a turkey avocado blt and an apple.  570 calories!!  GO TEAM!!  Thanks to Jen for taking me!!

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